The City of Pleasant Hill approved PLN 18-0198 for a proposed Cambria Hotel and associated site improvements, (applicant: Stratus Development Partners), which includes a General Plan Amendment, Planned Unit Development (Rezoning) Concept Plan, Development Plan Permit, Architectural Review Permit, including adjustments to development standards and certification of an Environmental Impact Report. The site, located at 3131 & 3195 North Main Street and 1531 Oak Park Boulevard (Assessor Parcel Numbers 170-092-050, 054, 055, 057, 058, 059) is proposed to construct a four-story 155-room hotel and associated parking, landscaping, and amenities on an approximately 2.5-acre site. The project also includes removal of the existing Black Angus restaurant at 3195 N Main St. and existing retail building at 1531 Oak Park Blvd. and modifications within North Main Street.

The City also approved a General Plan Amendment to establish a new land use overlay designation for visitor-serving uses with accompanying goals, policies, programs and updated standards, including allowing a floor area ratio of up to 100% for specified uses within the proposed overlay. The overlay designation is currently proposed for only the hotel project site. The project also rezoned the existing property from RB (Retail Business) to a PUD (Planned Unit Development District).